Getting Ready to Implement MakerSpaces

Okay, I’m just going to begin; I keep planning and it’s time to start. I’ve decided to read “The Makerspace_Librarian’s Sourcebook”, edited by Ellyssa Kroski and published by ALA editions.  I’m hoping it will give me the final push and direction that is needed to implement makerspaces in our library. As I mentioned in my bio, this is my third year at The Oaks.  Makerspaces have been going on for years, but they were not established in our library when I arrived.  I took the first two years to get to know the staff and students, schedule, collection, and how things “work” at The Oaks.  I’ve decided that I could probably work on that more, but I’ll continue in all of those areas while makerspaces happen!

I attended a makerspace workshop through our district, have attended sessions at the TLA and ALA conventions, and have been discussing what needs to happen with other librarians in our district. To begin, I cleared out a space in the library to house the makerspaces.  It looks pretty empty at present time as the photos below show. I mentioned my plan to our principle and she suggested I needed to request funds immediately so we could make sure it could/would be covered.  I did!  I believe we have some items ordered and some that will be ordered when we return to school.

Meanwhile, I’m going to begin this book!

Empty Shelves Ready for MakerSpaces

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